Saturday, December 11, 2010

A new cupboard! XD

Okey fine....
I knew I didn't update my blog for a long time...( I think so...)
Actually nothing to say at this post but for my (actually are my sister and mine ) new cupboard
My mom finally decided to bought a new cupboard for me and my sister because our clothes are ....*ehem.
It will arrive next Tuesday..
Oh yeah~
I was so excited because our OLD cupboard is 12 years old ( I think ) and I had used it for 10++ years...
Okey.. I will try my best to upload the picture of the cupboard but I think is almost impossible because of my poor handphone~
Oh ya! Handphone..
My mom also said she will buy a new phone for me after two weeks.
Her bujet was 500 below and did you guys have any decision??
I want a SE phone and is in W series..
Please give some opinion for my new phone, thanks~

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